
Non-obsession boosts your vitality

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The key to unlocking and vitality - From the perspective of yoga

"The wise man who knows eternal bliss does not seek eternity in a fleeting thing" (Kasha Upanishad)

This phrase is spoken of the parabavairah gya in yoga, the highest non-attachment. In modern society, we live at the mercy of a rapidly changing world, driven by desires. I seek happiness from external things, such as material wealth, social status, and evaluations from others, and pursue temporary pleasure. However, such a life can also lead to unfulfilling emotions and anxiety deep within the heart. Yoga practices provide a guide to getting out of these situations and establishing inner peace. It is a journey that leads to true self-realization by controlling desires to some extent and purifying your subconscious.

Until you reach a state of non-obsession

In everyday life, you need to carefully observe your thought patterns and behavior patterns and determine what you are obsessed with. And then we take concrete steps to let go of them. When we fully realize our true self, desire loses its strength and dilutes its presence, like a dried-up spring.

However, when we hear the word "non-obsession," many people imagine that "losing desires will lead to a state of lethargy, like living in a world without color." It is as if you lose your passion for life and just spend your days in a vague way without any goals. This is a typical example of misunderstanding the nature of non-attachment. In reality, the essence of non-obsession is that you are relieved of anxiety and worry, and you can feel the joy and happiness that gush deep inside your heart.

"Many people imagine that. They all lose interest in life. But what happens is completely different. Rather, they realize that life is full of infinite interest. Think of the negative aspects of desire. It always binds you. You will always be worried about the future and regret for the past, saying things like, 'What if this happens?' or 'What if it doesn't happen?'. On the other hand, non-attachment will help you to always be in a state of inner freedom and joy. If you can be happy in the present, then you will be with God." (From Dialogue with Paramahansa Yogananda)


Paramahansa Yogananda's words vividly portray the true benefits of non-obsession. It is not about losing interest in life, but rather about realizing infinite possibilities and becoming completely immersed in the present moment. Desire binds us to anxiety about past events and futures, and takes away our present joy. However, non-obsession frees us from such bondage and leads us to a state of inner freedom and joy.

So, how can you develop non-attachment and increase vitality? To do this, it is important to first face your inner self and understand the root of your attachment.

Self-observation and purification of the mind

In your daily life, try to consciously observe what you are obsessed with and what you cannot let go. It could be material things, relationships, social status, or your own way of thinking or feeling. Once you've identified the object of your attachment, try digging deeper into why you're attached to it. Past experiences, fears, and expectations may be at the root of this.

For example, let's say that your experience of living a poor life at a young age has led to a strong attachment to money. In that case, money may not be merely a means, but a symbol of security and security. To relieve this attachment, past experiences must be healed and new awareness of money must be established. It is important to use self-exploration tools such as meditation and journaling to release the emotions and thoughts that lie deep within your heart.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness refers to a state of mind where you concentrate and observe without judging the present moment. Practice mindfulness allows us to observe them objectively, without being caught up in thoughts or feelings. For example, when we eat, we consciously enjoy the color, aroma, taste, and texture of food through our five senses, so that we can concentrate on the very act of eating, freeing us from anxiety about past events and future events.


It is also effective to focus on your breathing in your daily life. When you breathe in or exhale, simply observing the sensation will help your mind to calm down and return to the present moment. Mindfulness is the first step towards realizing the obsessions we have in our unconscious and letting go.

Practices of yoga and meditation

Yoga and meditation are powerful tools for balancing the mind and body and establishing inner peace. Yoga asanas (poses) increase body flexibility, promote energy flow, and release physical tension. Meditation also serves as a way to calm the mind, improve focus and bring out inner wisdom.

Regular yoga and meditation practices help us develop the power to deepen our self-awareness, control our emotions, and let go of our attachments. For example, if past traumatic experiences emerge during meditation, we can experience emotional release by simply observing and accepting them.

Selfless Service (Karma Yoga)

Karma yoga is about acting without expecting results, or selfless service. By simply doing our best for others, rather than seeking our own interests or fame, we are freed from our ego attachment and deepen our connections with others.

For example, karma yoga practices involve participating in volunteer activities, helping people in need, or doing everything for their family and friends. Through karma yoga, we can move away from self-centered thinking and take a bigger perspective.

Simple lifestyle practice

Lessons living a simple life rather than pursuing material wealth is also an effective way to foster non-obsession. By living with only the bare minimum, we can let go of our obsession with the material and look to what is truly important.

For example, disposing of unnecessary things, refraining from impulse buying, and spending more time in nature is the practice of simple living. Living a simple life will create peace of mind and allow us to feel our inner richness.

Non-obsession brings you vibrancy and new possibilities that will color your life

Non-attachment is not something that is passive at all. It is the key to leading us into a vibrant life. When we are freed from our obsession, we are freed from past trauma and anxiety about the future, and are fully immersed in the present moment. It is light and joyful, like a bird that strips its heavy armor and dances freely in the sky.

Non-obsession stimulates creativity and motivates you to new challenges. This is because you will be able to act according to your inner impulses without being bound by fear or anxiety. For example, it could be to demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit, develop artistic talent, or actively participate in social activities.

In addition, non-obsession deepens and enriches human relationships. This is because you can accept the situation as you are without trying to control the other person or pushing expectations against them. It provides the foundation for building deep bonds based on true understanding and empathy for others.

Furthermore, non-attachment gives you the power to respond and overcome difficult situations flexibly. This is because you will be able to embrace change and explore new possibilities without sticking to the situation. For example, even if you face difficulties such as unemployment, illness, or breakdowns in relationships, you will be able to overcome them and carve out a new life.

Non-attachment is a powerful tool to make life richer and more meaningful. It leads us to a state of inner peace and joy, opening the way for us to live a vibrant life with infinite possibilities.

Believe in the power of non-obsession

Non-obsession is not something that can be achieved overnight. It is something that is gradually nurtured through daily practice. But that effort will never be wasted. Because non-obsession is key to leading us to true self-realization and creating a vibrant life.

Start practicing non-obsession from this moment. Self-observation, mindfulness, yoga and meditation, selfless service, simple life. Through these practices you will discover inner peace and joy and discover new possibilities that will color your life.

"The wise man who knows eternal bliss will not seek eternity in a fleeting thing."

With these words in your heart, walk the path of non-obsession, unleash your energy, and create a truly shining life.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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