
Knowing karma will change the future

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Laws of karma, self-change, deeper understanding and living in the present

Karma is not just a theory of fate, but a universal law of cause and effect, in which one's actions shape the future. It contains universal truths that are not only rooted in Eastern philosophy, but also relate to the concepts of "sin" and "judgment" in Christianity and Judaism. In Japan, it is expressed by the word "work" and exists as a complex thread that weaves together our actions, thoughts and emotions.

When we give joy to others, we experience joy ourselves, and when we give pain to others, we experience pain ourselves too. This is the fundamental principle of karma. But karma is more than just a system of retaliation. It is an opportunity for growth and evolution, and a compass to guide ourselves to a better being.

Karma has a complex structure that transcends time axis, past, present and future.

  1. Karma settled in this world This is karmatology settled through the events, relationships, and joys and suffering we experience in this life. It appears as a direct result of past actions and gives us important lessons.
  2. Karma is created in this world: karma is created by how we think, act, and feel now. This is the species that shapes the future, and our choices determine the future experience.
  3. Karma that appears in the afterlife. This is karma that causes the results of past actions to be carried over to the afterlife, not completely settled in this life. It influences the events and circumstances experienced in the afterlife, and encourages the evolution of the soul.

Being able to make others happy is a force to neutralize the difficult situations brought about by karma and create a positive future. Altruistic behavior provides an opportunity to cleanse past negative karma and accumulate positive karma.

Self-exploration to learn about karma in this life

Understanding karma in this world is the first step in self-change. By facing the following questions in depth, you can get an overview of your karma and clarify your current problems and goals.


What do you want most in life?

This question reveals your true desires of what your soul is looking for. Is it a material wealth? Is it spiritual growth? Is it a deep connection with others? Find answers that reflect your values ​​and purpose in life.

Examples: peace of mind, contribution to others, exploring truth, exercising creativity, etc.


What is your most fearful?

This question reveals the fears, anxiety and past trauma you may have. Is it a fear of failure? Is it a fear of loneliness? Is it a fear of death? Recognise the deep-neutral issues that hinder your growth.

Examples: Failure, loneliness, rejection, death, helplessness, self-denial, etc.


What is your most obsessed with?

This question reveals what you can't let go, what is tying you. Is it material possession? Is it a relationship? Is it the glory of the past? Attachment clouds our minds and causes us to lose the truth.

Examples: material possessions, status, fame, relationships, past glory, self-image, etc.


What do you find most painful?

This question reveals the pain, pain and emotional wounds you experience. Is that a problem with human relationships? Is it stressful at work? Is it a past trauma? Suffering gives us the opportunity to grow and be healed.

Examples: troubles in relationships, loneliness, self-denial, past trauma, helplessness, despair, etc.


What was the most shocking event in your life?

This question reveals events and turning points that have changed your life. Is it the death of a loved one? Is it an unexpected success? Is it at the bottom of your life? Shocking events have the power to change our values, our outlook on life, and our way of life.

Examples: Death of a loved one, illness, accident, unemployment, betrayal, disaster, successful experiences, etc.


What lessons did you learn from it?

This question reveals you have learned and grown from experience. Is that the fleeting nature of life? Is it appreciation to others? Is it your strength? Lessons are key to us using our past experiences to create a better future.

Examples: the fleeting nature of life, gratitude for others, self-esteem, perseverance, tolerance, humility, self-responsibility, etc.

Understanding karma from self-exploration and the path to change

By seriously considering the answers to these questions, you can get an overview of your own karma. For example, you may get the following insights:

  1. Self-centered tendencies/A challenge from past lives may be that you are more likely to become self-centered. This can affect relationships, leading to a sense of loneliness and isolation. The solution is to increase empathy for others and actively take altruistic behavior.
  2. Excessive attachment and current challenges may be a strong attachment to material things, relationships, and past glory. Attachment hinders peace of mind, robs freedom, and stuns growth. The solution requires practice of letting go of attachment and accepting things as they are.
  3. Past trauma and shocking events in life may remain as emotional scars. Trauma can affect current behaviors and emotions, which can damage relationships and self-esteem. The solution is to heal trauma, learn from past experiences, and move forward towards the future.

Understanding karma is just the beginning of a journey of self-change. The key is to put the insights obtained into concrete action and put them into practice.

  1. Practice of Mindfulness: By focusing on the present moment and observing your thoughts, feelings, and actions, you can become aware of unconscious patterns and make more conscious choices.
  2. Practice of meditation - By facing yourself in silence and listening to the voices deep inside your heart, you can access your inner wisdom and connect with your true self.
  3. Practice altruistic behavior and act for others can overcome self-centered tendencies and increase empathy and compassion.
  4. By practicing gratitude and expressing gratitude every day, you can attract positive energy and increase your sense of happiness.
  5. Practice of forgiveness - Forgiving others and yourself will help you heal past wounds and become free.

Through these practices, you will be able to cleanse past negative karma, accumulate positive karma, and live a more fulfilling life.

Clear Yoga - Light that illuminates the path

If you want to further deepen your journey of understanding karma and self-change, we recommend "Kuriya Yoga: Lighting the Way." Kriya Yoga is the secret of ancient Indian yoga and a powerful tool to accelerate the evolution of the soul.

Criya yoga

This book provides an insightful commentary on the need for Babaji's Kuriya Yoga practice, the challenges that await it, and how to solve it. The key is the surrender of true self-knowledge and ego, and practice often requires help.

It is an insightful book that encourages everyone, regardless of whether you are a practitioner or an unexperienced person, and will serve as a valuable guide to deepening your understanding of karma and pursuing the path of self-change.

Karma is not just a destiny, but a universal law that our actions shape the future. Understanding your own karma through self-exploration and practicing mindfulness, meditation, and altruistic behavior, we can cleanse past negative karma, accumulate positive karma, and live a more free, peaceful, and fulfilling life.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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