
The path of life illuminated by the light of fate, karma, and self-transformation, Kriya Yoga The fate of life is determined by past lives

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Destiny is determined by past lives

What exactly is our life shaped? The environment in which you were born, the talent, the people you meet, and your own choices. All of these are threads that knit the complex fabric of life, and the patterns that weaves are manifested as the fate of each and every one of us. But is fate an absolute thing? Are we at the mercy of destiny?

The teachings of Kriyayoga provide deep insight into these questions through the concepts of fate, tragedy and karma. The essence of Kriya Yoga is to be a guidepost for believing in the possibilities of self-change and actively carving out life without falling into mere fatalism.

The outline of life that is engraved with the footsteps of destiny and past lives

In Kriya Yoga, destiny is defined as an event that we cannot avoid, no matter how hard we try. It is as if the outline of life, carved into the footsteps of past lives, indicating the path we should walk.

Actions, thoughts, and emotions in past lives are accumulated in the subconscious as seeds of energy, and are fruitful in various forms in this world. Good deeds attract happy events, bad deeds attract hard events. This is the law of karma and the idea that is at the root of destiny.

However, destiny is not merely a "decision." It also gives us the opportunity to grow, learn and evolve. Unexpected events, difficult situations, sad farewells. All of these are tests for us to look inside us, question our values, and move towards a higher consciousness.

The wise knows that fate is an opportunity to let go of attachment, an opportunity to remain calm, and to realize the reality, consciousness and bliss that exist at the root of oneself." By accepting destiny and understanding its meaning, we are freed from suffering and find inner peace.

A difficult fabric woven by tragedy, habits and choices

Unlike destiny, sadness refers to the hardships we cause through our actions and habits. It's like a hard-working fabric that we unconsciously weave.

In Kriya Yoga, sadness is thought to occur because we are not willing to change or overcome our bad habits. For example, an angry personality, lazy lifestyle, and addiction can lead to sadness.

Sadness manifests itself as a result of the deduction of good and bad karma, good and bad habits. Past actions become seeds, current actions pour water, resulting in flowers of happiness or misfortune.

But sadness is never fixed. We can reduce bad karma and increase good karma through conscious effort. By acquiring good habits and overcoming bad habits, you can untie the fabric of sadness and create a happier future.

The Laws of Karma: A Chain of Life, a Weathered Through Causes and Effects

Fate and sadness work on the universal principle of the law of karma. Karma means "action" in Sanskrit, and represents the law that every act always comes with consequences.

Our thoughts, words and actions spread a ripple of energy, which affects ourselves and the world around us. Good deeds produce good outcomes, bad deeds produce bad outcomes. This is a law that exists universally in the universe, just like the laws of action and reaction in physics.

The law of karma is not merely a law of causality. It is also a law that teaches us that we are creators of our own lives. We can shape our future by consciously choosing our thoughts, words and actions.

The bad karma that arises from causing pain to others can be alleviated by compassionate actions that bring joy to others. Hatred can be counteracted by love, anger can be counteracted by forgiveness, and greed can be counteracted by giving.

Practices to alleviate the effects of destiny and overcome sadness

Kriya Yoga provides concrete practices to alleviate the effects of destiny and overcome sadness. It is the path to purifying the inner self, raising awareness and creating a better future through meditation, breathing techniques and ethical lifestyle practices.

  1. When something unexpected happens, think carefully before taking action, don't respond emotionally, or when we face a sudden or difficult situation, we tend to respond emotionally. However, behaviors governed by emotions often produce regret and can make the situation worse. The practice of Kriya Yoga gives us the power to stay calm, analyze the situation objectively and make wiser decisions.
  2. Be careful of opportunities to please others. Avoiding thoughts, words, and actions that hurt others : Our thoughts, words, and actions have a major impact on those around us. Words and actions that hurt others can accumulate negative energy in yourself, leading to sadness. Conversely, words and actions that please others are the power to circulate positive energy and attract happiness.
  3. Practice of Meditation Meditation is one of the most effective ways to calm the mind and find inner peace. Through meditation, we can observe the flow of thought and look at ourselves objectively, not trapped by emotions. Meditation is the foundation for reducing stress, increasing concentration, improving intuition, and living a more creative life.
  4. Practice of breathing techniques Breathing is the source of life energy and is deeply involved in our physical and mental states. The breathing technique in Kriya Yoga is a practice that involves controlling breathing, balancing the mind and body energy, purifying the mind and body, and raising awareness.
  5. Practice of ethical lifestyle habits - Kriya Yoga places importance on five ethical precepts: not lying, stealing, sexual misconduct, not greedy, and not obsessed. By following these precepts, we can reduce negative karma and increase positive karma.

The Light of Criya Yoga: The Light of Self-Changing

Kriya yoga is more than just a collection of techniques. It is a comprehensive system of self-change and a light that guides us to live a happier, peaceful, and fulfilling life.

"Kriya Yoga: Lighting the Way" provides insights to look inside the self, discover the true self, and clarify the purpose of life through the practice of Kriya Yoga. Babaji's need to practice Kriya Yoga, the challenges that await him and his solutions, and the surrender of his true self-knowledge and ego. Through these themes, we can prepare ourselves for a journey of self-change.

"Patanjali and Siddha Yoga Sutra" is a classic yoga textbook, Yoga Sutra, from the perspective of Kriya Yoga. In addition to commentary on each verse of the Yogastra, this book also provides a comparison with the South Indian scripture Tirumantiram, and its connection with the techniques of Kriyayoga that Babaji Nagaraj has revived in the present day. For practitioners of Kriya Yoga, this book is a must-have book and is a valuable source of information to help you deepen your understanding of yoga and make your practice more effective.

Summary: Accept your destiny and create your own life

The teachings of Kriya Yoga teach us that we are not just at the mercy of destiny. We have the power to create the future through our current thoughts, words and actions, while accepting destiny as a result of past actions.

Through the practice of Kriya Yoga, we can cleanse the inner self, raise awareness, accumulate better karma, relieve the effects of destiny, and overcome our sadness.

Life is like a voyage. We sail through the seas of life in response to the winds of past actions. But we can turn our sails, maneuver the rudder, and decide on our own will to move.

Kriya Yoga teaches us the art of navigation, navigate the oceans of life, and serves as a compass to reach our destinations. Accept your destiny and create your own life. This is the truth of life that Kriya Yoga teaches us.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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