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Kriya Yoga - The Road to Supreme Integration - Five Paths and Its Secrets

In modern society, the number of people suffering from stress, anxiety, and physical and mental discomfort is increasing. Meanwhile, the wisdom of yoga, which has been passed down since ancient times, is attracting attention from people seeking peace of mind, physical health, and spiritual growth. Among the many yogas, "Kuriya Yoga" is said to be particularly comprehensive and has the power to encourage the transformation of practitioners.

Kriya yoga is more than just exercise and meditation techniques, but it is a system of practice that works deep into the body, breath, mind and soul, leading human beings to integration. In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of the five paths, their goals, and the benefits that their practices offer to help you understand the overall picture of Kriya Yoga. We will also introduce some useful references to help you learn about Kriya Yoga.

Kriya Yoga/Comprehensive Yoga System

Kriya yoga is positioned not as a single form of yoga, but as a system of practice to complement and enhance other forms of yoga. The origin of the name, "Kriya," means "action" or "purification" in Sanskrit, suggesting that self-transformation is promoted through conscious action. Kriya Yoga aims to work on the multilayered beings of human beings: the body, the gas (prana), the spirit and the soul, and to harmonize and integrate these layers.

The ultimate goal of Kriya Yoga is to be free from the pain that the ego creates and experience happiness, peace and love, which are the essence of the true self. To this end, Kriya Yoga offers five major journeys:

Kriya, Hatha, Yoga, Purification and activation of the body

Kriya Hatha Yoga is the practice of asanas (poses), bandhas (body tightening), and mudras (hand gestures) that aim to purify and activate the body. The purpose of Hatha Yoga is to increase physical strength, flexibility and balance, while Kriya Hatha Yoga also places importance on releasing the stagnation of toxins and energy stored in the body, making the body more likely to accept more subtle energy.

Unlike the commonly performed Hatha Yoga asanas, Kriya Hatha Yoga asanas are often performed based on a specific order and breathing technique, and by focusing on specific parts of the body, it promotes the flow of energy and eliminates physical blocks.

The practice of Kriya Hatha Yoga is reportedly bringing peace to the body and gradually freeing itself from laziness, restlessness, pain and illness. It is also said that you will no longer feel much physically and mentally exhausted, and will be able to recharge your energy when you are tired, awakening your potential and consciousness. Continuing practice of Kriya Hatha Yoga creates room for more attention to the more subtle body, not just material beings, but rather as a medium of consciousness and energy.

Kriya, Kundalini, Pranayama, Transformation of Life Energy

Kriya Kundalini Pranayama is a breathing technique practice that regulates the energy flow of the living gas (prana) and leads to transformation. Pranayama is a yoga technique that regulates the life energy Prana by controlling breathing, and optimizes the functioning of the body and mind.

Kriya Kundalini Pranayama is particularly focused on the awakening of Kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is a potential energy that is said to lie at the base of the spinal cord, and when this energy is awakened, it is said to provide increased consciousness, increased creativity, and spiritual insight.

Kriya Kundalini Pranayama combines specific breathing techniques, bandhas and mudras to cleanse the path of energy, the Nadi, and guide the kundalini energy to rise safely and effectively. By consciously controlling your breathing, this practice can also be expected to help regulate the autonomic nervous system, reduce stress, and increase mental concentration.

Kriya Dhyana Yoga: Achieving the control of the spirit and clarity

Kriya Dhyana Yoga is a scientific technique for controlling the mind and aims to enhance the tranquility, concentration and clarity of the mind through the practice of various meditation methods. Dhyana is Sanskrit, meaning meditation, and is the seventh stage in the eight branches of yoga.

In Kriya Dhyana Yoga, various meditation techniques are used, but the common one is to focus attention on one point, calm the flow of thought, and focus your attention deep inside the mind. Through the practice of meditation, we are freed from everyday patterns of thought and can find inner peace and tranquility.

Kriya Dhyana yoga is not just a tool to calm the mind, but also to deepen self-observation and self-understanding. Through meditation, we can objectively observe our thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns, and become aware of the ego and unconscious patterns, and let them go. Continuous meditation practices can be expected to increase mental clarity, cultivate intuition, and increase resistance to stress.

Awakening through the power of Kriya, Mantra, Yoga, Sound

Kriya Mantra Yoga uses powerful sounds (mantras) to evoke various aspects of divinity and awaken chakras and other things. Mantras are specific syllables, words, or phrases that are said to change consciousness and increase energy by reciting them repeatedly.

In Kriya Mantra Yoga, reciting the Villa Mantra (seed mantra) corresponding to a particular chakra, or the names of gods, activates the chakra, the energy center, and promotes the flow of energy. When reciting a mantra, you can further improve the effectiveness by combining specific breathing techniques and mudras.

The sound of mantras Vibrations directly affect our consciousness, breaking down negative thought patterns and increasing positive energy. By chanting the mantra, we can deepen our connection with the fundamental sound of the universe, "Ohm," and experience a sense of unity with sacred energy.

Kuriya Bhakti Yoga The path of love and devotion

The Kuriya Bhakti Yoga is intended to nurture the love and devotion to God and His creation. Bhakti means "destiny" and "love" in Sanskrit, and aims to transcend the self through pure love and devotion to God.

Practices of Kuriya Bhakti yoga include prayer, hymns, reciting scriptures, and serving God. Through these practices, we can let go of egoism, deepen our compassion and empathy for others, and develop unconditional love.

Kuriya Bhakti Yoga is not just a religious practice, but also a path to improving relationships and contributing to society. Love and devotion to God leads us to altruistic actions and develops a desire for the happiness of others. Practice of Kuriya Bhakti Yoga allows us to be free from self-centered thinking, experience unity with a greater being, and find true happiness.

Practice of Kriya Yoga - A Journey to Transformation

The five paths of Kuriya Yoga are interrelated and complementary to each other, resulting in an inclusive self-transformation. It is reported that by continuing these practices, the pain that ego produces gradually disappears and pain can be replaced by happiness.

When the body is purified and activated by Kuriya Hatha Yoga, it is easier to accept more subtle energy, and when the flow of life energy is adjusted by Kuriya Kundalini Pranayama, it encourages the expansion of consciousness. With the Kriya Dhyana Yoga, the mind is governed and clarity increases, one can objectively observe and let go of the work of the ego. When sacred energy is activated by Kuriya Mantra Yoga, inner peace and unity is achieved, and when love and devotion is developed by Kuriya Bhakti Yoga, compassion and empathy for others is deepened.

The practice of Kriya yoga is not merely a mastery of technique, but a journey of self-exploration. Through this journey, we will be able to listen to our inner voice, discover the true essence of our true self, and live a more fulfilling life.

References for learning Kriya Yoga

To learn Kriya Yoga, it is ideal to receive direct guidance from a trusted instructor, but you can also study on your own. Below are some useful references to help you learn about Kriya yoga.

"Kuriya Yoga: The Light that Lights the Way" - Information on the needs of Kriya Yoga, what is necessary to follow the spiritual path - knowledge, what goals should be, the difficulties that lie on the way, and how to overcome them. We hope that it will be a light for all seekers interested in Kriya Yoga.

"A Yogi's Autobiography" - A irresistible autobiography of Yoga Saint Paramahansa Yogananda, who describes the turbulent life of his own self, the great Indian yoga saints, and numerous miracles of yoga in modern science. You will be drawn into the spiritual world that yoga has.

"Patanjali and the Siddha Yoga Sutra" is an unparalleled explanation of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra. A comparison of the South Indian scripture Tirumantiram (by Thirumoolal) with the Yogastra shows many similarities, as well as the connection to the modern-day Kriya Yoga technique of Babaji Nagaraj. This is a must-have book for those who practice Clean yoga.


Kriya Yoga is a system of practice that works deep into the body, breath, mind and soul, leading human beings to integration. The five journeys each have their own purpose, but are interrelated and bring about an inclusive self-transformation. The practice of Kriya yoga allows us to free ourselves from suffering and experience happiness, peace and love, which are the essence of our true self. Kriya yoga is not just a learning technique, but a journey of self-exploration. Through this journey, we will be able to listen to our inner voice, discover the true essence of our true self, and live a more fulfilling life.

If you are interested in Kuriya yoga, why not get direct guidance from a trusted instructor or start practicing at your own pace, referring to the references? Kriya yoga can be a life-changing encounter for you.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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