
Kriya Yoga: A light that illuminates the darkness of the heart and creates the future with your imagination

Krishna 7

You can create your own future

Modern society brings stress and anxiety to our minds due to a variety of factors, including information overload, intensifying competition, and complex relationships. Past trauma and negative experiences often lurk deep within our memories, unconsciously affecting our thoughts, feelings, and actions, and hindering our self-realization. Letting go of negative emotions and restoring peace of mind is an essential challenge for us to lead a more fulfilling life.

In such circumstances, Kriya Yoga, a traditional yoga technique in ancient India, has been attracting attention as a powerful tool for purifying the mind and self-change. Kriya Yoga is a practice that combines specific breathing techniques, meditation, mantras, and more, and is intended to regulate the flow of energy and raise awareness. Through continuous training, it is said that you can let go of your negative emotions, develop the possibilities of sleeping deep inside your heart, and develop the power to create the future you desire.

Unlocking the shackles of negative emotions

Our minds are intricately intertwined with various emotions accumulated from past experiences. Negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, jealousy, etc. distort our thoughts, dull our judgment and limit our actions. Being trapped by these emotions can lead to repeated similar situations, reducing self-esteem and impairing a sense of happiness.

However, letting go of negative emotions is not easy. In many cases, we temporarily try to avoid pain by suppressing or ignoring negative emotions. However, repressed emotions accumulate deep inside the heart and can explode one day. Ignoring negative emotions also slows down the fundamental resolution of the problem and makes the situation worse.

Kriya yoga encourages conscious observation and acceptance of negative emotions rather than directly suppressing them. Through specific breathing techniques and meditation, we train ourselves to notice the moments when emotions arise, and to observe them objectively without being swallowed by them. By observing emotions, you can understand where those emotions come from and what patterns of thought they are connected to. And by understanding your emotions, you will be able to let go without being trapped by them.

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Self-observation and transformation of thought patterns

Continuous practice in Kriya yoga also has the effect of improving self-observation skills. In our daily lives, we unconsciously repeat certain patterns of thought and behavior. These patterns are formed based on past experiences and beliefs and play an important role in shaping our personality and values. However, there are also negative thinking patterns that limit us and hinder us from self-realization.

By increasing self-observation through Kriya yoga, you can become aware of unconscious patterns of thought and understand how these patterns were formed and how they have influenced them. And by recognizing negative thought patterns, you can consciously transform them. For example, people who are prone to self-critical thinking can develop self-affirming thinking and increase self-confidence through Kriya Yoga.

The power to create the future

As the saying goes, "People become what they think," our thinking has the power to create reality. The images and beliefs we envision in our minds are deeply ingrained in our subconscious and unconsciously influence our actions and choices. By having a positive image and sincerely believing that it will come true, we can attract the future we desire.

However, many find it difficult to use good imagination to achieve a bright future. Past trauma and negative experiences limit our imagination and create a tendency to imagine the worst and judge others badly. As a result, we attract limited reality and hinder our self-realization.

Kriya Yoga provides training to develop your imagination and create a positive future. Through meditation, we calm the mind, dispel distractions, and create a state where we can freely draw creative images. And by vividly imagining the future you want along with enthusiasm, belief, and trust, you can deeply engrave that image into your subconscious mind. Images engraved in our subconscious are the driving force behind our actions and choices, and attracting the reality we desire.

The ability to spin hope from the extreme state

The episodes of Jews trapped in camps by Nazi Germany eloquently speak to the power of imagination. In a desperate situation where little food was given, he was covered in a piece of cloth, forced to work harshly in the cold, and people around him died one after another, he calmly observed the situation and had a future he had envisioned repeatedly. It was a future where no matter what miracle it would have happened, it would have been impossible.

However, he did not give up hope, and using his imagination to vividly imagine him as he survived, was released from the camp and reunited with his beloved family. And the miracle happened. He lived through a detention life and truly realized the future he had envisioned. Without hurting or inflicting anyone on the ground, he achieved the best future he wanted, sometimes encouraging those around him.

This episode proves that even in extreme conditions, people can still carve out their future through their imagination. The difficulties we face in our daily lives may not be as severe as the situation in camps, but by using our imagination, we can overcome any challenges and create the future we want.

Learn the wisdom of Kriya Yoga from books

Books to help you deepen your understanding of Kriya yoga include "Kriya Yoga: Lighting the Way" and "Babazi and the Siddhas of 18."

Kriya Yoga: Lighting the Way: This book provides information on the needs of Kriya Yoga, what is necessary to follow the spiritual path, what goals should be, the difficulties that lie on the way, and how to overcome them. It will be a light to light the path of spiritual quest not only for those who practice Kriya yoga, but for everyone interested in Kriya yoga.

"Babazi and the 18 Siddhas" This book covers a wealth of quotes and anecdotes about the ancient Indian siddhas (yogic masters) who were the founders of Kriya Yoga, and Babazi Nagaraj, the legendary saint who introduced the techniques to modern times. It also provides a clear overview of the techniques of Kuriya yoga and the supporting rules, making it a must-read for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of yoga.

Invitation to Kriya, Yoga, and Self-Change

Kriya yoga is not just a physical exercise, but a comprehensive practice that encourages self-change through purification of the mind, self-observation and development of imagination. Through Kuriya Yoga, we can foster the power to let go of our negative emotions, transform self-limiting patterns of thought, and create the future we desire.

As we live in modern society, we face a variety of stresses and difficulties, but Kriya yoga will be a powerful tool to restore peace of mind and achieve self-realization. Through Kriya Yoga, illuminate the darkness of your heart, find the light that creates the future with your imagination, and live a more fulfilling life.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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