Direct from a professional! The fastest training method that lets you see the aura easily

What is an aura? Its basic concept
Definition of Aura and a scientific perspective
An aura is considered to be the field or radiation of energy emitted by living things, and its existence comes from ancient spiritual concepts. It is said that not only humans but also animals and plants have an aura, and their state changes daily, influenced by emotional, health and mental state.
From a scientific perspective, auras are still not yet proven concrete, but research has also been conducted to view it as biological energy and weak electromagnetic waves. For example, a theory has been proposed that attempts to explain the aura from the fact that the human body emits heat and electromagnetic waves. Nevertheless, within the current scope of science, aura is primarily interpreted in spiritual realms.
The meaning of aura in spirituality
In spiritual thinking, the aura is considered to be a representation of "life energy" and is a mirror-like being that reflects human emotions, thoughts, and spirituality. The aura is made up of seven layers of energy, each of which is thought to reflect individual aspects. For example, there are the "emotional classes" that govern emotions, and the "spiritual classes" that are related to spirituality.
Furthermore, the color and shape of the aura changes, and while negative emotions and stress can become muddy and irregular, positive feelings and relaxed states can create a vivid and well-balanced aura. From these characteristics, it is believed that from a spiritual perspective, it is possible to know a person's inner self and health through their aura.
Benefits of seeing the aura
There are many benefits to acquiring the skills to see your aura. First, knowing how to see your aura will make it easier to understand your physical condition and mental state. This helps you avoid overdoing things in your daily life and take methods to refresh yourself if necessary.
Furthermore, by observing someone else's aura, you may be able to sense the feelings and thoughts of someone. For example, it can help you improve communication and relationships by allowing you to see the differences when the other person is stressed or relaxed.
Furthermore, from a spiritual perspective, it is said that through observation of auras, intuition will increase, and it will inspire you to deepen your understanding of not only yourself but others and surrounding energy states. This will help you make your daily life more meaningful and harmonious.
Even beginners can do it! Preparation to see the aura
Create the perfect environment for seeing your aura
To observe your aura, it is important to create an environment where your vision and senses are sharpened. First, choose a space as quiet as possible. In places where there is little noise or presence of people, your own concentration is more likely to increase. Also, please take care of the lighting. Dim environments and spaces with natural light are suitable for viewing the aura. Avoid artificial, strong light sources and colorful backgrounds as they can disrupt your vision.
Easy meditation methods to improve your focus
To observe your aura, it is important to focus your awareness inwards and increase your concentration. To do this, it is recommended to incorporate simple meditation. First, sit in a relaxed position in a quiet place. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to relieve the strength of your whole body and relax your mind and body. When doing so, turn your consciousness towards your breath and focus on the "now moment." Just keep it for about 5-10 minutes and you should be able to get a sense of sharpening your consciousness. This will greatly improve your concentration when practicing "how to see your aura."
Effective use of black background and natural light
Another basic way to make your aura easier to see. Place your own hands or other objects in front of a black cloth or wall to make it easier to visually capture the pale light of your aura. It is also effective to try it in natural light. The wavelength of the light is more likely to have an impact when lighting with fluorescent lights or LEDs, but natural light has less effect, making it easier to accurately sense the color and shape of the aura. In particular, the soft light at sunrise and dusk can be expected to increase spiritual concentration.
Basic training to see the aura you can easily try
Aura observation method using your own hands
The first method I would like to recommend is to observe your aura using hands. This method is easy for anyone to try without tools. First, prepare a black or light-colored background while relaxed. Then, in a quiet space where natural light is intruded, slowly face each other with your hands spread around shoulder width. At this time, instead of focusing too much on the background, just blur your gaze around your fingertips.
After observing for a few minutes, you may see something like a thin light between your fingers. This light and colour is considered part of your aura. In particular, to improve your concentration, it is recommended to use deep breaths or to reduce ambient noise and stay quiet. By doing this continuously, you will be able to feel the difference in aura more vividly.
Key points when observing your opponent's aura
When seeing other people's auras, it is important to maintain your own concentration and provide a sense of security to the subject. First, let's create a relaxing environment for each other. We recommend bright rooms with natural light or places with single black or white walls. Have the other person sit with your back straight and be conscious of observing the energy that envelops the area around your shoulders and the entire body.
When observing, try blurring your gaze a little and not staring directly at the other person, but try to feel the outline of the energy emitted from your body. Also, if you turn your gaze a little further away from the subject's shoulder, you may be able to see the color and glow of your aura. Repeated observations will also develop the skills to read the other person's mental and physical state, which change every day. It is also important to understand the flow of energy from another person based on a spiritual perspective.
How to use stereograms to train your vision
Using stereograms is a useful way to develop your visual ability to observe your aura. A stereogram is a shape that at first glance looks like a simple pattern, but when viewed in a specific way, a deep three-dimensional image appears. By using this for practice, you can train your sense of seeing the aura from a vague perspective.
Specifically, hold the stereogram in front of you, looking at it in a relaxed state without fixing the focus. By squinting your eyes or deliberately not focusing, a hidden three-dimensional image will emerge. It is said that by practicing this daily, you can improve your vision and your ability to sense layers of aura.
Once you get used to it, try using this vague feeling of vision when you actually observe it. Stereograms are a very useful supplementary training to help you learn how to see your aura. By making your visual senses sharper, you will feel the colour and change of your aura that you can observe.
Let's get a deeper understanding of the colour of aura and its meaning
Aura colour types and their characteristics
The aura reflects an individual's life energy and mental state, and its color and glow have many different meanings. For example, a red aura symbolizes passion and vitality, indicating an energetic state. On the other hand, a blue aura means calmness and mental stability. The yellow aura represents intelligence and curiosity, while the green aura represents healing and harmony. In this way, the color of the aura can tell you a person's personality and emotions.
Also, as the aura changes daily, different colors appear depending on the situation and mood. By understanding these changes, you will be able to objectively grasp your own physical and mental state. It is important to deepen your understanding of colour as you explore ways to see your aura.
Insights you can gain from knowing your aura colour
Knowing the colour of your aura can be extremely helpful in deepening your self-understanding. For example, if your aura is yellow, it means positive thinking and motivation to grow. Conversely, if your aura is darker, stress or fatigue may be affecting you.
During the process of observing your aura, you can calmly look at your current state. From a spiritual perspective, it is said that knowing your aura can help you understand mental challenges and areas that require healing. Therefore, it is recommended to make self-observation and meditation a habit and pay attention to changes in aura.
The other person's state of mind that can be seen through the aura of others
If you can learn about the colour of your other person's aura, it will provide a clue to reading a person's emotions and health status. For example, people with a pale blue aura often have a calm and peaceful temperament. Conversely, people with a strong red aura can exhibit extremely energetic and active personality.
When observing the color of someone else's aura, take your time to observe the background and light conditions while paying attention to the conditions of the background. Even beginners can easily use a black background to see the other person's aura, and observe it in natural light. In this way, understanding a person's inner self and situation through their aura will also be very useful in communication.
Deepen your aura observation! Applied training
Improve your senses with regular training
Regular training is essential to improving your aura. Human senses become more sensitive with continuous practice, and the way you see your aura will also improve. The key to training is to gradually improve your concentration and vision sensations while still remaining relaxed. We recommend observing at a certain time each day, and using calm morning hours is especially effective. When practicing, it is a good idea to keep track of the characteristics of the energy surrounding you and the changes in color while being conscious of spiritual thinking.
Observe the aura of nature and things
Aura observation can be used not only for humans and animals, but also for training to sense the energy of nature and objects. For example, plants such as trees and flowers are full of life, each giving off a unique aura. Focus on the plants in natural light and take a closer look at the vague layers of light around them. Furthermore, inorganic substances such as minerals and water can also have specific energy, and checking them is a good practice to cultivate a spiritual perspective. By looking at these diverse objects, you can comprehensively train your aura.
Approach to people aiming to become healers or counselors
Aura observation is a very important skill for those aiming to become professionals such as healers and spiritual counselors. By accurately observing others' auras and understanding the colours and conditions that appear there, you will be able to point out mental and physical discomfort and provide appropriate advice. In addition to daily training, it is also effective to hone this skill by taking specialized knowledge and seminars. By learning more deeply about the seven energy layers that make up the aura, even more precise aura diagnosis is possible. Mastering how to see your aura is the first step to improving your spiritual power to support others.