
The source of hope for living: Frankl's psychology and philosophy


Victor Emile Frankle

Victor Emile Frankl (March 26, 1905 – September 2, 1997) is a leading Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist and philosopher of the 20th century. His name is engraved in history as a man who survived the harsh Holocaust and through his experience he deeply explored the essence of human existence and the "meaning of life." Frankl's achievements extend to the field of psychology, philosophy, education, and even medical care, and his founding "logotherapy" continues to influence many people today. His life and writings suggest powerful answers to the universal question of how to find meaning in hardship and illuminate the hope of living.

Frankl's life and background

Frankl was born in Vienna to a Jewish family. From a young age, he had a strong interest in the inner world and spiritual exploration of the human world, so he majored in medicine at the University of Vienna, then went on to the fields of neurology and psychiatry. Through studying at university, I was deeply influenced by theories of famous psychologists of the time, Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler. But he not only embraced these theories, but he also took his own unique perspective and turned to deeper aspects of human existence.

A young Frankl was particularly interested in the question of how people can find meaning in life in their hardships. This question went beyond mere academic interests, but also his inner passion, and later became a core subject that greatly influenced his own life. He was convinced that humans are not only driven by mere instincts and desires, but also living in search of higher goals, values ​​and "meaning."

When Austria was annexed by Nazi Germany in 1938, Frankl and his family faced a harsh Jewish fate. He also had the opportunity to avoid being transferred to a concentration camp, but leaving his elderly parents alone with the chance to escape was an ethically unacceptable choice for him. In 1942, Frankl was sent to Theresienstadt camp with his wife, Tilly, and then moved to several concentration camps, including Auschwitz.

The camp experience was unimaginable for Frankl. He was keenly aware of the difficulty of maintaining human dignity amidst the extreme conditions of hunger, cold, violence and the inability to know when he will die. But at the same time, he discovered that even under these extreme circumstances, humans still have freedom of choice. It was freedom to react to the external environment and how to maintain one's inner attitude. This discovery leads to the concept of "the last freedom," which forms the basis of his ideas.

Frankl tried to encourage his fellow inmates and give them hope to live in the camp. He demonstrated through his actions that no matter how desperate the situation is, people can find hope in the future and find meaning in the present moment rather than looking back at the past. His experience is deeply engraved in his masterpiece, Night and Fog.

Victor Emile Frankle

The main work "Night and Fog" and its universal message

After Frankl was released from the concentration camp, he published his book Man's Search for Meaning, which summed up his experiences and insights. This book is not just about the experiences of camps, but is full of deep considerations on the ontological questions of humans: "Why do people live?"

  1. In Night and the Fog, Frankl conveys his central message that humans can find meaning even in hardship. Through his experiences in camps, he was convinced that humans have the freedom to choose how to respond to harsh conditions, and that freedom is the fundamental element that makes them human.
  2. He also provided three paths for humans to find meaning. First, the path to accomplishing something, that is, finding meaning through creative activities. Secondly, the path to loving something, that is, finding meaning through deep relationships with others. And thirdly, it is the path to find meaning by confronting inevitable hardships, namely, by shaping one's own attitudes in the midst of hardships.
  3. Night and Fog has been widely read around the world and has inspired many people deeply. This book has long been read as a universal value piece that gives people facing hardships and difficulties the hope and courage to live, and gives them a deeper sense of the meaning of life.

Proposal of logotherapy as existential psychology

Based on his own ideas and experiences, Frankl proposed logotherapy (meaning-centered therapy). Logotherapy is a unique psychotherapy that is different from traditional psychoanalysis and behavioral psychology, and finds the motivations of human behavior in the "will to meaning" rather than "pursuit of pleasure" or "desire of power."

According to Frankl, a human's fundamental motivation was to find meaning in one's life, and he thought that the loss of meaning was the root cause of mental distress and discomfort. Logotherapy helps patients find meaning in their own lives and live their lives based on that meaning.

Basic concepts of logo therapy
  1. Freedom of Will - Humans are not completely controlled by external environments or past experiences, but have the power to freely choose their own attitudes and actions. This freedom is never lost in the most harsh conditions.
  2. Will to meaning - humans have a fundamental desire to not only satisfy their instinctive desires, but also to find meaning in their own life. When this desire is not satisfied, humans experience mental distress.
  3. The uniqueness of life and the meaning of life are different for each individual and are determined by the situation and experiences of the person. Therefore, it is important to find meaning within one's own situation rather than seeking universal meaning.
  4. Logotherapy uses a variety of techniques for patients to discover the meaning of their lives. One of them is "paradoxical orientation." This is a way to overcome anxiety by intentionally facing the object the patient is afraid of. For example, patients who are afraid of speaking in public can overcome this fear by intentionally creating a public speaking situation.
  5. Logotherapy focuses on patients looking to the future and clarifying their future goals and values, rather than looking back at the past. This approach helps you live a positive life without being caught up in past trauma.

Differences from other psychological schools: Comparison with Freud, Adler, and Jung

Frankl differs from other prominent psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung in their theoretical background and approach.

  1. Freud sought the roots of human behavior in libido (sexual impulses), while Frankl found human motivation in a higher goal: the "will to meaning." While Freud emphasized human past experiences, especially childhood experiences, Frankl emphasized how to live for the future, not bound by the past.
  2. Adler viewed human behavior from the perspective of liberation from inferiority, but Frankl believed that human behavior is motivated by pursuing self-transcendental goals: values ​​and meanings that go beyond oneself. While Adler advocated personal psychology, Frankl placed emphasis on not only the internal exploration of the individual, but also on social and interacting with others.
  3. Jung proposed concepts such as collective unconsciousness and self-realization, but Frankl placed importance on humans finding meaning not only within themselves but also from the outside world. While Jung placed emphasis on the inner exploration of the self, Frankl emphasized how humans can contribute to society and others.
  4. Frankl respected these psychological theory, but also had a unique perspective. He was convinced that humans are not driven by mere instincts or desires, but are living beings seeking higher goals, values ​​and "meaning." His logotherapy has influenced many people to this day as a psychotherapy with a unique perspective that is different from these theories.

The modern significance of Frankl's thought

Modern society is highly informational and globalised, but people face the challenges of loneliness, helplessness and losing sight of the meaning of life. While the development of technology has made people's lives more convenient, it has also caused problems such as diluting relationships and a loss of meaning in existence.

In these circumstances, the concepts of "will to meaning" and "last freedom" proposed by Frankl have extremely important meanings. His ideas give people facing difficult situations hope and courage to live, and give them a deeper sense of the meaning of life.

  1. In the educational field, Frankl's ideas help students discover their values ​​and increase their self-esteem. In the development of human resources in companies, Frankl's ideas are also used as motivation for employees to find meaning in their work and contribute to the organization.
  2. In medical settings, logotherapy is used as an effective treatment to give patients who are suffering from mental pain the hope of living and support their mental recovery. In particular, for end-of-life patients and those facing serious illness, Frankl's concept of "discovering meaning in hardship" offers deep solace and hope.


Through his harsh life experiences and deep thoughts, Victor Emile Frankl has given us many suggestions about the meaning of life and the hopes of living. His ideas awaken the inner power of each of us, the ability to find meaning, across the ages, and give us the courage to live positively in any situation.

His message still resonates with many people and never loses its brilliance. Frankl teaches us that "life is a question, and we can decide how to answer that question." His ideas will continue to guide and inspire many people.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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