Women's worries

Psychological approaches for popular women

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Psychology of women who can


Why is that person popular? What people with a wonderful lover and popular are secretly doing - An approach from psychology


"Why does that person always have a wonderful lover?" "Why is that girl so popular?"


This question everyone has at least once. When I see them shining in the city, I can't help but think, "Maybe they have special talent..." But in fact, that's not the case.


Women who have wonderful lovers and are popular with many people have common importance, and patterns of behavior and way of thinking that can be explained psychologically. This time, we will unravel the "secrets of popular women" in gentle words, with a psychological perspective as well.

1. Smile is the strongest weapon – psychological "replying favor"

Many popular women always smile. This is not just "soft" but also has a psychological basis.

  1. The law of "responsiveness to favor" - when people receive a favor from another person, they have the same psychology that makes them want to return their favor. Smiles are a powerful tool to send a message to others that they say, "I like you."
  2. "Mirror Effect" - People tend to try to share their emotions with others. If you keep a smile, the other person will naturally smile and you will likely develop positive emotions.
  3. ``Contagion of positive emotions'' - Smile contagates positive emotions to those around you. By keeping a smile, the mood of those around you brightens up and you feel like you want to get closer to you.

A smile is not just a facial expression, but a "magic" that has a powerful psychological effect that facilitates relationships.

2. Good listeners create empathy – psychological "desire for approval"

Popular women listen carefully to what they say, not just their own story. This can be said to be a sophisticated communication skill that provides a deep understanding of the other person's psychology.

  1. Everyone who fulfills the desire for recognition - everyone has the desire to "understand and appreciate" or "be recognized." A good listener will satisfy the other person's desire for approval by listening and empathizing with the other person's words.
  2. By encouraging "self-disclosure" and making the other person think that "I can talk to this person with peace of mind," the other person will open up and build a deeper relationship.
  3. The power of "listening" - "listening" not only simply listening to the other person's feelings, but listening while also being close to the other person's emotions resonates deeply with the other person's heart and is very important in building a relationship of trust.

If you are a good listener, you will be able to capture the other person's heart and become a special person.

3. Self-esteem is an inner radiance – psychological "self-efficacy"

Popular women understand themselves and feel confident. This self-esteem creates an inner sparkle and attracts those around you.

  1. Increases self-efficacy/self-efficacy refers to the feeling that you can do it yourself.
  2. People with high self-esteem have a high self-efficacy and are able to take on everything actively.
  3. People with high internal stability and self-esteem are mentally stable and have mild emotional ups and downs. This gives people around them a sense of security and makes them look attractive.
  4. "Self-acceptance" - "Self-acceptance" in which you accept both the good and bad aspects of yourself leads to mental stability.

Self-acceptance can also tolerate the flaws of others, and build more attractive relationships. By loving yourself and gaining confidence, your inner charm will shine even more.

4. Care is an expression of love – psychological "kindness"

Popular women will understand the feelings of those around them and never forget to be casually considerate. This is an expression of love towards others and is extremely important in enhancing relationships.

  1. "Gentleness" brings sympathy. When people are kind, they feel positive about others. This is because kindness leads to empathy and gives each other a positive feeling.
  2. Rather than "small concern" building trust and big surprises, small concern every day captures the other person's heart. Kindness to look closely at the other person and reach out to you when you need it is essential to building a relationship of trust.
  3. "Contribution to others" can help you feel the meaning of your existence and increase your self-worth by enhancing your self-worth. This will create confidence and make you more attractive.

You are a caring person around you, and you will surely be valued by those around you.

5. Nature gives you peace of mind – psychological "self-match"

Popular women don't force themselves to look at them, but instead act as they are. This natural appearance gives people around them a sense of security and a sense of affinity.

  1. Self-consistency brings out your charm. Self-consistency refers to the state in which your inner self and your actions are in unison. People who are self-conforming are consistent in their words and actions, giving people around them a sense of security and appealing.
  2. A "false self" creates stress. If you try to decorate yourself by force, it can become stressful and give the people around you an unnatural impression.
  3. Love yourself as you are is the most natural and most beautiful thing.
  4. "Absoluteness" connects the hearts and expresses honest emotions that move the hearts of those around you and build deeper relationships.

Being yourself as you are is the most natural and most attractive.

6. Curiosity encourages growth – psychological "desire for growth"

Popular women are always interested in new things and are active in their actions. This is an action that satisfies the psychological desire for growth and is extremely important in increasing attractiveness.

  1. The desire for growth is a driving force, and everyone has a desire to grow. By taking on new challenges with curiosity, you can experience self-development and gain a sense of fulfillment.
  2. "Broaden your horizons" - New knowledge and experience will broaden your horizons and make your way of thinking more flexible. Having a broad perspective is important in building attractive relationships.
  3. Increase your self-esteem, try new things and accumulate successful experiences, and increase your self-esteem and allow you to act more confidently.

You will continue to grow and captivate those around you.

7. Efforts to hone your inner self – Psychological "self-development"

Popular women will not neglect their efforts to hone not only their appearance but also their inner self. This is psychological "self-development" and promotes self-development.

  1. The importance of "self-development": - Self-development is an activity that will help you improve yourself. By honing your inner self through reading, studying, and various experiences, you can increase your human appeal.
  2. Activities that enrich the mind, such as eating "mindful nutrition", reading, and appreciating art, are nutritional. Mind nutrition encourages mental stability and leads to an inner shining charm.
  3. Respecting the power of words and using beautiful words not only makes those around you feel comfortable, but also enrich your own heart. Words have the power to move others and heal the mind.

You will continue to hone your inner self and will shine even more and more and captivate many people.

To become a popular woman in the end

Popular women never have any special abilities. They practice behaviors and ways of thinking that can be explained psychologically and that move people's hearts on a daily basis.

Why not try and incorporate these elements little by little from today?

There's no need to panic. Slowly and at your own pace. By bringing out your own charm to the fullest, you will surely find a wonderful love.

I sincerely hope that your daily life will be filled with smiles and happiness.

Shokey Hayashi
Shokey Hayashi
Exorcist/Radionics Technique Researcher
Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1965, he has been suffering from troubles, illnesses and injuries caused by spiritual phenomena since childhood. However, one day, when he was 20 years old, he attended an event, had a mysterious experience at the venue, and was hit by lightning energy from the heavens, as if piercing the spinal cord from his brain, and his psychic abilities blossomed. He then began studying psychology and psychiatry, and now he has combined psychiatry and consciousness engineering. Established "Radionics exorcism" using our own radionics techniques. "It's possible to treat your fortune" beyond exorcism, memorial service, and healing.
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